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Transformer Oil Filtration & Dehydration Plant
Suitable for all types of electrical insulating oils. Plants mainly consist of heating, filtration and vacuum system. Heating system aids to the filtration and moisture removal. Filtration systems remove suspended particles down to 1 micron such as rust, dirt, scales, colloidal carbon etc. Vacuum Systems remove moisture (emulsified as well as dissolved) down to < 5 – 10 ppm depending on the working vacuum of the plant.

Industrial Oil Purification & Dehydration Unit
Designed & manufactured to suit the specific requirement of the customer. Different modules are designed to remove particular types of contamination. Useful for filtration of Hydraulic oils, Turbine Oils, Lube oils, Quenching oils, Thermic fluids, Coolants etc. The purification system normally consists of filtration / purification stages for economical operation.

Trickle Varnishing Machine
Suitable for automatic impregnating of stators and rotors by trickle process and for pre-heating, trickling and post heating of stators. The machine is simple and compact in design. It is easy for operation and maintenance. Machines as per customer requirements.

Vacuum Pressure Impregnation Plant
Vacuum Pressure Impregnation (VPI) is a process that uses vacuum and pressure to seal porous materials with varnish or resin. The process is used primarily for high-voltage motors and generators to fill gaps in materials to create a void free insulation in various devices.
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